Sunday, 13 July 2014

Please dont show your unfruitful mercy on poors, if you want to do something then please try to guide them, try to provide them a source of small scale employement, try to love them as own family members. Please put your effort for enrolled the poor children in school, dont ignore the deprived societies because we all are belongs to a under-developped country and all the deprived peoples are the part of it....So..please make your life meaningful and respectful by serving the poorKaivalya Vichar Seva Samiti
गरीबो को दया पत्र समझ कर, उनकी उपेक्षा ना करे, उनका मार्ग दर्शन करे, उन्हें रोजगार के नए साधनों तथा माध्यमो से अवगत कराये. गरीब बच्चे जो स्कूल नही जा पाते, यथायोचित उनको शिक्षा दिलाने तथा आगे बढ़ने के उपाय करे..शोषित या पिछड़े समाज को आगे लाने में अपना योगदान दे........क्योकिआज जो भी समाज स्वयं के विकसित होने पर गर्व करता है, वह समाज भी उसी पिछड़े-पन से उभर कर आज विकसित हुआ है Kaivalya Vichar Seva Samiti

Lets spent some time to build-up an educated and prosperous society...
Our small steps and contribution can provide a self-sufficient lives to many poor children and peoples. We are fortunate because we got sufficient resources from our parents but the children who did not facilitate due to poor and deprived background, how they will sustain...think about that...and according to us it is our duty that we have to serve them...give them a chance to betterment and enlightened future........ Kaivalya Vichar Seva Samiti

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Lets spent some time to build-up an educated and prosperous society...
Our small steps and contribution can provide a self-sufficient lives to many poor children and peoples. We are fortunate because we got sufficient resources from our parents but the children who did not facilitate due to poor and deprived background, how they will sustain...think about that...and according to us it is our duty that we have to serve them...give them a chance to betterment and enlightened future.


Condemn none: if you can stretch out a helping hand, do so. If you cannot, fold your hands, bless your brothers and let them go their own way. Stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders, There is no help for you outside of yourself; you are the creator of the universe. Like the silkworm you have built a cocoon around yourself. Burst your own cocoon and come out aw the beautiful butterfly, as the free soul. Bright future of any country, society etc. alwayse depends on the peoples who leaves there and how much mercy they have for others.

Our waves are continue for helping the poor children..Spirit is on for removing the discrimination in our society. 
Kaivalya Vichar Seva Samiti

Many congratulations to Ms. Pratima Panda (Scholar of I.I.T Kharagpur) for celebrating own birthday with the poor children residential in "Gopali Ashram". Its the appeal of Kaivalya Vichar Seva Samiti with you all please celebrate your happiness with poor or deprived and provide them a moment of smile. We are only requesting to all of you please give some time to your society because India needs educated youngsters whose can change the future of country.....please come forward and serve your society..

Activities of mankind depends upon the thought of individuals
"Kaivalya Vichar Seva Samiti " (A N.G.O run by the students of I.I.T Kharagpur and Banaras Hindu University) have organized oral and written test for examining the standard of the children and found out the way of enhancing the quality of education for children.
After announcement of examination result , according to performance, children got prizes by the hand of respective members of "kaivalya vichar seva samiti" and teachers of respective school.
some students of I.I.T Kharagpur also express his thought regarding techniques and easy way of teaching with teachers of that school.

  Celibration with poor and orphans
Deepa M.V (member of Kaivalya Vichar Seva Samiti )..have celebrated own marriage ceremony party with the poor children of Gopali Ashram (I.I.T KHARAGPUR) and giving the strong massege to the our youngesters for doing some work for our deprived society......Only our motto is. please serve the poors, deprived peoples by any means..makes them a part of your happiness.........they alwayse blessed you..

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

An effort to filled up the colour in the life of poor children
Innocent expressions revealed that the poors are alwayse trying to smile but lack of helping hands, they cant. Just we are requesting to all of you that please became helping hands of deprived and give him a chance of doing something well. India needs a revolution for eliminating the poverty and We believes that students have to play major roll in this action,
Why not???
Our single honest helping step towards the deprived society will change the present scenarion and gap between our different society levells also can be finished....So come forward and take step for "OVERALL EQUALITY" and become a source of good human being....

Kaivalya vichar Seva Samiti promissesd to serve the poor peoples and children

Registration No: V-45275, 1072/2012/13 
Kaivalya vichar Seva Samiti (N.G.O run by I.I.T Kharagpur students)
देश का सतत विकास अपर्याप्त, ज्यादा दोषी कौन ?? सरकार और राजनेता “या” पढ़े-लिखे नौकर शाह और आम आदमी 
जरा सोचिये ?
१. क्या सरकार द्वारा प्रस्तावित सभी सुविधाओं (जैसे सरकारी अस्पताल ,स्कूल चलो अभियान,मिड-डे-मिल योजना, किसान ऋण योजना , प्रौढ़ शिक्षा योजना इत्यादि ) के लिए आने वाले पैसे जो सरकार देती है , उसे पूरी इमानदारी से इन कार्यो में लगाया जाता है,?
२. क्या सरकारी पैसे जो आम जनता के रोजगार परक और स्वालंबी बनाने के लिए दिया गया है,को समस्त नौकर –
शाही तंत्र मिलकर गटक नहीं जाते है,?
३.क्या सरकारी नौकर-शाह, उद्यमी और अन्य पढ़े –लिखे अधिकतर लोग समाज के प्रति, देश के प्रति, अपने कर्तव्यों को पूरी तरह निभा रहे है ?
४. क्या समाज में होने वाले प्रत्येक अपराध (जैसे बलात्कार , लुट-पाट, हत्या, घोटाले, निचले वर्गों का शोषण इत्यादि) राजनितिक लोग ही करते है ?
५. क्या सभी भू-माफिया , शिक्षा –माफिया , दवा एवं चिकित्सा –माफिया, ड्रग्स एवं अन्य नशीली दवा –माफिया इत्यादि राजनेता ही है, ?
६. क्या सभी राज्यों की पुलिस एवं प्रशासन व्यवस्था (जो नौकर शाही के अंतर्गत आती है) और ग्राम -पंचायत स्तर पर गठित सामान्य आदमियों की कमेटियां घुस-खोर और भ्रष्ट नहीं है ?
जरा सोचिये की कब तक हम केवल सरकार को दोष देते रहेंगे , जब तक हमारे देश का प्रत्येक नागरिक, (नौकर शाह , आम-आदमी ,मजदुर उद्यमी इत्यादि ) इमानदार, देश-प्रेमी और कर्त्तव्य-परायण नहीं होगा तब तक सरकार द्वारा लगायी गयी कोई भी स्कीम या विकास परक योजना सफल नहीं हो सकती , ऐसा हमारा मानना है........
हम कैवल्य विचार सेवा समिति (आई.आई .टी .खरगपुर के छात्रो द्वारा चलाई जा रही सामाजिक संस्था ) के माध्यम से अपने देश के प्रति, समाज के प्रति और पर्यावरण के प्रति अपनी जिम्मेदारियों को निभाने का पुरजोर प्रयास कर रहे है और आप सभी लोगो से भी यही आशा करते है की आप लोग भी अपने कर्तव्यों का किसी न किसी माध्यम से निर्वाह करेंगे ...

                  Sustainable agriculture can give employement to the poor farmers
Come Forward and choose Agriculture as your career option because... Agriculture have a enormous scope in Indian Scenario. We want to see the well qualified Indians in the Agricultural fields with innovative and profitable ideas......By Kaivalya Vichar Seva Samiti
We need to strengthen the farmers by inputting the technological aspects and economical strategies formulated by educated peoples. So, it is our appeal to all Agriculture and allied students that please contribute own idea for the farmers on gross root level.

We have started demonstration program based on "Mushroom cultivation" for farmers because the farmers can earn more profits with least investment with this.

Mushroom cultivation method demonstration for poor Farmers