Tuesday, 3 November 2015

.‪#‎Serve‬ to needy is best service and We have proud to being a part of that..
‪#‎Good‬ Books are the pillar of valuable education....‪#‎Dictionary‬ distribution by @Saurav kashyap barman & Team in ‪#‎Jagannath‬ Niketan
We have appeal to all of you please realize your responsibilities towards deprived society and come forward.....

Monday, 2 November 2015

2' October, 2015.....Mahatma Gandhi &Shashtri Ji Jayanti celebrated byKaivalya Vichar Seva Samiti
Celebrate our all the national and religious festivals with poors can give lot of happiness to the deprived society.
So, once think and lets do something for poors on each and every occasions and change the thinking of world towards deprived peoples......

सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः । ## Kaivalya Vichar Seva Samiti
Thank you Mr ‪#‎Bhuvaneshwaran‬ Sp and Mr ‪#‎RJ‬ Selva, for giving love and affection to the poor children and fulfillment of their basic need.
We all have to share the problems of our deprived peoples for creating a happy and bright co-ordination between every layer of our society...
‪#‎Sleeper‬ donation in Soladhar Village, IIT Kharagpur